The Council of Agricultural Ministers chaired by Mr. Sándor Fazekas approved the conclusions of the Hungarian Presidency concerning the future of the Common Agrarian Policy (CAP) by a majority of two thirds.

Mr Sándor Fazekas, Minister of Rural Development explained at the press conference held during the intermission that the Hungarian Presidency managed to close a two-year-long debate regarding the CAP’s future and thus the European Committee can start the legal process of drafting new laws regarding the reforms. The executive body will be submitting the draft this Autumn. The resolutions reflect the Hungarian Presidency’s slogan: a strong Europe needs a strong Common Agriculture Policy, that is to serve not only the interests of European farmers, but that of all European citizens’ – said Mr. Sándor Fazekas.

The most important message of the document approved by an overwhelming majority is that Europe should be able to provide sufficient amounts of food of good quality in a safe way. The member states should use their natural resources in a sensible way, take care of our environment and climate, attend to animal welfare and meanwhile make sure that all rural areas of Europe should thrive so our economy stays viable. The CAP’s reform was on of the most important issues discussed so far at the meetings of Agricultural Ministers during the Hungarian Presidency- said the Minister. This agreement is a good message for all European citizens, farmers and all those, who live in rural areas or who may be concerned by the Common Agricultural Policy in any way.

The Union’s Ministers consider it very important that the Union’s Agriculture should be effective, sustainable and competitive in the long run. The ministers had an intensive debate about redistributing direct assistance funds. Finally the committee came to the conclusion that the funds have to be distributed more reasonably and the framework of the union’s budget has to be taken into consideration as well.

The Council made a commitment that it is going to protect farmers from the increasing risks emerging as a result of fluctuating prices and incomes. They are going to support the farmers, so they can get reasonable shares from incomes generated by the food chain industry. Special attention has to be paid to young farmers, because it will be up to them if the EU is capable of producing plenty of good quality food – stressed Mr. Fazekas.

The Hungarian Minister called attention to the fact that members of the session supported the idea that CAP should be part of the fight against the harmful effect of climate change in order to turn CAP greener. He added: in this way they will motivate innovation.

The approved document’s text does not represent a unified view of the Ministers’ Council, because seven countries – though usually supportive - did not agree with certain elements and one member abstained. There was a 90% agreement on the document’s concluding points. The debate was centered not on the budget, but on the assessment of marketing devices, direct funding and about the first and second pillars of CAP.

Dacian Ciolos, EU Commissioner of Agricultural Affairs, praised the Hungarian Presidency’s efforts related to devising the guidelines and emphasized that results born during the session definetely mean success. Ciolos emphasized that the approved resolutions reflect the European Commettee’s initial approach and major elements. The resolutions definetely point into the direction of a more compatible, sustainable rural farming, that ensure an environmentally friendly agriculture – said the Romanian commisssioner.

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)