The new government order, according to which farmers who have suffered damages because of seeds contaminated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are to receive 360 thousand forints per hectare in compensation from the state, comes into force today.

The cabinet has set aside 4 billion forints to settle damages, of which farmers will receive 360 thousand forints of "fixed, damage-covering allowance per hectare". This sum was calculated by the government based on previous years' average yields and average crop prices. Farmers can apply for compensation at county government offices on or before September 30. Producers will receive compensation no later than mid-December.

It is a question of national strategy that Hungary remains GMO-free, and this is included in the new constitution. There can be no fact or reason for which the Ministry of the Hungarian Government will change their standpoint on this issue.

Hungary is able to be present on the market as the world's fifth largest exporter of agricultural seeds despite the stiff competition characteristic of agricultural markets and ever-stricter quality control regulations, because it demands the production of high quality seeds that are of certified origin and free from genetic modifications. This is a great economic advantage to Hungary and the government will do everything in its power to keep the country's agriculture free of GMOs in compliance with and by enforcing the laws currently in effect.

Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas ordered stricter checks on GMO-contaminated seeds on April 27, 2011. The Plant Production and Horticulture Directorate of the Central Agricultural Office performed 535 tests in July, as a result of which experts found GMO contaminations in 4 lots of soya and 10 lots of corn.

In accordance with the law, the CAO has ordered the destruction of all plants in areas where GMO-contaminated seeds were sown, because these stocks are potential sources of further GMO contamination.

The Government, the Ministry and the authorities will continue to act resolutely against the presence of GMO-contaminated seeds in Hungary.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)