In the 21st Century, the security of nations depends on who controls the resources. Genetic stock is one of the determinative national resources that the Hungarian nation has developed and selected over hundreds of years – stated Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development József Ángyán at the conference on genetic resources organised at the Szent István University in Gödöllő.

As part of the "Celebration of Science" series of events, the discussion was organised with the participation of well-known scientists and academicians; the chief patron of the event of Jószef Ángyán.

During his opening speech, commenting on genetic resources, the State Secretary stressed that we don't even know exactly what treasures we have at our disposal, and for exactly this reason, the discovery, systemization and collection of these resources is a question of national security. We must perform the work before others do so ahead of us, according to their own capital interests.

József Ángyán added, it of extreme importance that our genetic resources be examined using the most modern biotechnological tools available.

We must do so in order to provide an advantage for our own species and the result of our own cross breeding, and to enable us to realise quality development within the food economy and propagation material supply sectors.

They in turn may all contribute to decreasing our current level of dependency and to our reclaiming our national autonomy – declared the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)