Minister of Rural Development Sándor Fazekas met with Mr. István Jakab on Friday morning. The meeting took place so that the Minister could personally inform the President of MAGOSZ (The National Association of Hungarian Farmers Agricultural Cooperatives) about the proposed Chamber of Agriculture law and the ten-year agrarian, rural and environmental strategy that the Ministry will put forward for public discussion in mid-March. Public Announcement.

The Minister attended the Meeting of the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ and Producers’ Cooperatives on November 23, 2010 during which farmers submitted several proposals requesting that the Ministry take them into consideration when compiling the national rural development strategy. The Minister had a task list made, based on the minutes of the meeting. The appropriate secretaries of state will examine the proposals, according to whether the proposals are of a general nature or require legal intervention and will take them into account as much as possible when preparing and/or amending the new legislation.

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)