The international scientific conference on fatty pigs, including the Hungarian Mangalica, which was organised in Hereceghalom by the Ministry of Ural Development's background institute, the Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition (ÁTK), has closed successfully.

The Ministry of Rural Development is using all the tolls it has available to aid the Hungarian pork sector – said State Secretary for Food Chain Control and Agricultural Administration Endre Kardeván during his lecture. He added, the Hungarian Mangalica occupies a predominant place among the world's fatty pigs, and this proven by the fact that it is slowly becoming world famous. The State Secretary informed the participants of the conference that he always encounters great interest in the ancient Hungarian breed during his various trips abroad. In his opinion, exports could grow significantly in this area, as there is both requirement and demand for the Hungarian Mangalica abroad.

The various fatty pigs bred and kept throughout the world – including the Mangalica – are ancient and special pig breeds that at one time had exceptional economic significance. Their breeding declined in the 1960s and 70s compared to that of moderns (intensive) breeds. However, there is once again a demand for high quality meat and processed products, which has again drawn some researchers' attention to fatty pigs.

The goal of the conference held in Herceghalom was to increase the levels of breeding and food production utilization of these fatty pig species, which bear extremely high national, genetic and market value, through the passing on of the results of scientific study.

Close to 50 scientists, as well as pig breeders, traders and meat processors took part at the conference. In addition to Hungarian experts, genetic researchers, reproductive biologists, pig breeders and gene conservation researchers from Austria, Germany, Poland, Spain, Lithuania, Japan and South Africa all shared their professional experiences.

Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition decided to host and organise the conference primarily because of the great success of the Hungarian Mangalica.

Of the ancient species, the Mangalica is found in Hungary. In the 90s, their numbers dropped to a few hundreds, and a total population of around 8-9000 exists today. The meat quality and flavour of this species is better, and its vitamin and mineral content is higher, than that of traditional meat pig species. It is no accident that demand for live animals and products made from their meat has risen dramatically in recent years.

Evaluating the conference, Director of the ÁTK Dr. József Rátky, that some experts drew attention to the endangered nature of specific fatty pig breeds, while others reported on a growth in population. The participants at the conference fully agreed on the importance of the conservation of pure-blooded genetic material, meaning that breeding stock should not be mixed with other breeds. The experts also emphasised the importance of the market application of the final product, be that meat or processed products.

A whole section was devoted to the results achieved so far by the "Mangfood" project, which is aimed at helping the quality assurance of Mangalica pigs. The essence of the programme is the development of a method with which molecular biology techniques may be used to ensure the traceability of products.

The conference in Herceghalom also created the foundations for joint research, and the new scientific data and technology shared at the event will contribute to the further increase in the numbers of ancient pig breeds – including the Mangalica – and to the widening of the market opportunities of producers.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)