Sándor Fazekas has launched the social debate on farm and forestry land, and on the draft of the new legislation on family run farms with the involvement of the National Association of Hungarian Farmer's Circles and Farmers' Co-operatives (MAGOSZ) and the Civic Association of Smallholders (KPE).

In his speech, the Minister for Rural Development stressed, "Our Fundamental Law regards land as a national treasure, the basis of the nation's existence. If we work together, we shall be able to create those laws that guarantee, Hungarian land will remain in Hungarian hands. One of the main objectives of the new Land Act is to determine, who may purchase land in Hungary, and who may not."

The legislation in preparation will determine, among others, the exact definition and territorial extent of small, medium sized and large estates, will clarify the various business forms and the status of family run farms or for example licensed traditional small-scale producers. The Land Act will prevent speculative land purchasing and settle the issue of unclaimed land. The Minister also mentioned the fact that the upcoming chamber of agriculture act is also of interest with regard to farmland, and on the success of lawmaking, he brought up as an example the soon to be adopted Hungaricum Act.

With reference to state-of-the-art works regulation and modern co-operative structures, he stated that these are the basic requirements for the successful market performance of Hungarian farmers.

photo: Péter Szilágyi-Bay

Evaluating the government term at half time, the Minister reminded those present that there was no rural development programme in Hungary before 2010. This is the shortfall that has been compensated for by the National Rural Strategy 2020, which determines the routes through which Hungarian rural areas can compete with Western Europe with regard to standard of living.

At the panel discussion the President of MAGOSZ, István Jakab, emphasised that advocacy organisations would be helping the preparation of an optimal plan with their recommendations, because a new system will come into effect within the EU from 2014. He stressed, "We are in a period of base fortification: by May 15, 2014 it will transpire, who will be eligible for support and for how much support during the following ten years."

Sándor Fazekas, István Jakab (photo: Péter Szilágyi-Bay)

With reference to the Land Act, Béla Turi-Kovács, President of the Civic Association of Smallholders, stated, "Following smallholder's farmland protection initiative 18 months ago, land found itself at the focus of political life." The president reminded those present of the European Community's Article 56, which permits the free flow of capital in the case of farmland. However, the EU also determines that nations have the right to create their own farmland protection legislation. We must therefore come together and find those criteria, which will guarantee the protection of domestic farm ownership.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)