Sándor Fazekas held a successful meeting with the Brazilian Minister of Agriculture ahead of the Rio + 20 summit. Of all the Ministers of Agriculture, Mendes Ribeiro Filho received only his Hungarian counterpart for bilateral talks, on which they discussed opportunities for cooperation between the two countries.

Hungary and Brazil wish to begin future cooperation within the fields of ecological farming, and grape and wine production – this is what the two Ministers agreed on during their meeting. Brazilian Minister of Agriculture Mendes Riberio Filho will be visiting Hungary in the autumn at the invitation of Sándor Fazekas. A joint declaration of intent regarding the precise details of cooperation will adopted at this time.

Following the bilateral talks, the Minister for Rural Development attended the plenary meeting to officially open the Rio + 20 summit. At the FAO Conference on Sustainable Development, the Hungarian delegation are in particular representing the issue of water, with the backing of all five parliamentary groups. Topics of discussion during the three-day summit include the sustainable economy, the future of the international institutional system for environmental protection, and the facilitation of the green economy. The Hungarian delegation is lead by President of the Republic János Áder.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)