The European Commission has adopted the 222-item list that gathers together those health-related informative statements that may be found on food packaging. In future, manufacturers may only include scientifically substantiated definitions and claims on food products.

The birth of the new database is an important milestone in the labelling of foods. The list makes life easier for both consumers and businesses, because is makes it clear, what statements may be included on the packaging of products, and which may not. Authorised definitions include for instance the statement regarding calcium, according to which "Calcium is required for the maintenance of normal bone and teeth", or on iodine, according to which "Iodine contributes to normal cognitive and neurological function."

Statements on health are not just advertising tools; consumers expect the labels of purchased foods to contain actual, scientifically substantiated information. Manufacturers are required to review all statements previously included on their foods within the next six months, after which it will be prohibited to use any statements that are not included in the European Commission list from the middle of December, 2012.

A decision regarding statements on the packaging of herbal medicines and regarding certain pre- and probiotic supplements is expected by the end of the year.

In Hungary, it is the responsibility of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) to enforce the regulations regarding health-related statements. The EU-approved list, and the list of prohibited statements can be found on the European Commission's homepage and on the government's related site.

(The list of health-related statements that may be used on foods is included in Commission Directive 432/2012/EU.)

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)