Pursuant to the new government resolution, the role of the workgroup, which has been convened for the first time today, is to co-ordinate the various tasks related to keeping Hungarian agriculture free from genetically modified organisms.

In view of the resolution, the board will put forward proposals, prepare review reports and also fulfil an advisory role. The leader of the workgroup is deputed by the Ministry of Rural Development, while its six members are put forward by the Ministers for Public Administration, the Interior, Foreign Affairs, National Resources, National Development and National Economy.

The workgroup co-ordinates the implementation of measures designed to keep Hungarian agriculture free from genetically modified organisms, as well as assisting in the elaboration of the system of sanctions, including criminal accountability, to be applied on violation of the law, the special support system and the inter-ministerial communication these require.

In accordance with the resolution, the members of the workgroup will receive no separate remuneration for their work.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)