The Ministry of Rural Development has extended the social debate on the utilization of frozen meat, so that it may come to know the opinion of everyone involved.

It is extremely important that only good quality, reliable foods reach the shelves in Hungary, and so the requirement that frozen meat should–after a certain time–not be used to prepare various meat products crops up more and more often, because their nutritional value decreases as a result. Most cold meat products of lower quality are produced using frozen meat, but since this need not be indicated on the label, consumers are not fully aware of what they are buying.

The production and distribution of foods often involves a clash of conflicting interests. Businesses aim to produce the largest possible profit, while consumers would like to obtain safe foods of suitable quality at acceptable prices.

In view of the fact that the European Union does not regulate the use of frozen meats, the Ministry has launched a process of social consultation on the issue. The discussions should provide a clearer picture regarding whether there is social demand for the regulation of the utilization of frozen meats.

Antal Németh, President of the Hungarian Meat and Livestock Council (VHT), has already expressed his point of view: the European Union should determine that, after a certain period of time, frozen meats be regarded as unfit for human consumption.

The Ministry is awaiting further opinions by post (Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium, 1055 Kossuth tér 11) or to the email address [[[OxBTXMlbxOcmuCXYmK7AZNZ21NZmFneWFzenRvdHRodXNAdm0uZ292Lmh1]]] by November 7.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)