Preparation of the draft Hungarian Product Regulation has been completed. The draft must also be approved by the European Union, and so the Ministry has initiated the notification procedure. The Ministry of Rural Development aims to use the new legislation to regulate the voluntary labelling of foods, providing precise information on their origin, quality and methods of production.

There is increasing demand for locally produced foods in Hungary, but consumers are finding it difficult to find clear information amid the flood of labels and national colours. Consumers would like to be sure that they are getting what they want for their money, and what is written on the packaging. The draft of the new legislation is also being analysed by the European Union in Brussels; the process may take up to six months.

The draft of the Hungarian Product Regulation places foods of Hungarian origin n to three categories.

The term "Produce of Hungary" (magyar termék), or any other marking claiming that the product originates in Hungary may only be used if the product was produced in Hungary using Hungarian ingredients. The ingredients of vegetable-based foods must have been cultivated in Hungary; plants growing in the wild must have been collected, processed and packaged in Hungary; in the case of animal-based products the animals must have been bred and processed in Hungary; fish must have been caught in Hungarian waters, and wild game must have been hunted and killed in Hungary.

The term "Inland Product" (hazai termék) may only be used if at least 50% of the ingredients of a given food are Hungarian, and every step of the processing procedure was completed in Hungary.

The third category comprises foods that are "Locally Produced" (hazai feldolgozású). These included foods that are processed and packaged in Hungary from imported ingredients.

The draft of the proposed regulations draws a distinction between foods based on their method of production. The terms "Artisan" (kézműves) and "Traditional" (hagyományos) are used to denote products that are individually made by hand, or under manufacturing conditions, respectively.

The use of the terms regulated by the new legislation occurs on a volunteer basis, meaning that only those who use these terms on their product labels must abide by the new regulations. All uniquely labelled products that are shaped or coloured in such a way as to look as if they are Produce of Hungary, Inland Products or Locally Produced, will be assessed in a similar manner by the authorities and must comply with the stipulations of the new regulation.

The three categories listed distinguish between products purely based on their ingredients and not on their quality. Requirements with regard to quality are contained in the Hungarian Food Book, the Codex Alimentarius. Producers and manufacturers may include the terms "Speciality" (különleges), "Premium Quality" (prémium), "Superior Quality" (extra) and "Outstanding Quality" (kiváló) on products of high quality, providing they comply with relevant regulations.

According to surveys, around 800 thousand different food products are available in Hungary within the food retail network. The terms "Produce of Hungary", "Inland Product" or "Locally Produced" may be applied to almost half of these products in the future. According to plans, the categories will be easily identifiable to consumers using corresponding symbols; designers are working to make sure these symbols are simple and easily interpreted.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)