Duck and goose products manufactured using force-feeding were among the topics on the agenda during the 9th session of the Hungarian-French Agriculture and Rural Development Workgroup in Budapest. The French party proposed joint, EU-level representation for the protection of duck and goose liver products.

The workgroup discussed the new Multiannual Financial Framework after 2013, and the most important element of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The standpoint of the two countries is similar on most issues. The parties agreed that the budget of the CAP must be retained at the current level for the period 2014-2020.

Photo: Csaba PelsőczyThe two parties agreed on the reduction of bureaucracy and the simplification of the CAP as important, common goals. Their opinions were similar with regard to the fact that the introduction of the new system of direct support payments must not occur with immediate effect in 2014, but that member states must be provided with a suitable transitional period to make the switch. In view of the fact that both parties have an interest in the EU food support programme remaining in existence in 2012 and 2013, they view the decision to confirm this as a joint success.

The French place great emphasis on rural development and so great interest was shown when the delegation was presented with details on the National Rural Strategy and the Ignác Darányi Plan, which serves the strategy's implementation. The foreign visitors were impressed by the measures, which are designed to raise the quality of life in rural areas.

Lajos Búsi and Eric Allain (Photo: Csaba Pelsőczy)One of the traditionally important areas of cooperation between the two countries is agrarian training and higher education, and agrarian research. The exchange of experiences between the French and Hungarian administrations on the work in progress by rural networks continued at the meeting.

Hungarian joint President of the Workgroup was Lajos Búsi, Deputy State Secretary for Rural Development, while the French delegation was lead by Eric Allain, Director General for Agricultural Policy, Agrarian and Food Industry and Rural Areas.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)