"Tepertős pogácsa" - traditional Hungarian salty scones with pork cracklings - have been entered onto the European Union's list of traditional food specialities. This is the first Hungarian "traditional speciality" to have been included.

The special nature of "tepertős pogácsa" comes from the use of pork cracklings and lard, the unique technique applied when preparing the dough and the food's physical-chemical characteristics and sensory properties. The adjective "tepertős", meaning made with pork cracklings, refers to the use of traditional ingredients and "pogácsa" is the traditional name for several types of round and cylindrical salty scone often baked in Hungary.

The registration of "tepertős pogácsa" was initiated by the Principal Order of Hungarian Bakers. According to the product description, the labelling of these foods may now include the EU symbol for traditional food specialities and the text "traditional food speciality" or its Hungarian abbreviation HKT. The product may also include the phrase "produced according to Hungarian traditions".

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)