Hungarian State Secretary for Rural Development Zsolt V. Németh and, Slovakian State Secretary Dr. Gábor Csicsai discussed the support of cooperation between LEADER groups, the lodging of joint product descriptions to the European Union and the creation of cross-border market regions at the meeting of the Agricultural Workgroup of the Hungarian-Slovakian Joint Committee in Budapest.

During the first half of 2012, the Ministry of Rural Development will be launching a tender for the support of international cooperation between LEADER groups, which may also encourage the exchange of experiences between local action groups along the Hungarian-Slovakian border. For this reason, the representatives of the two countries agreed to also cooperate at an administrative level, each designating a contact person who will inform each other of the creation of new action groups and tender opportunities. The role of the governing administrations will be to coordinate the implementation of support programmes.

Photo: Gergely BotárAn important topic of the meeting was the issue of Hungary and Slovakia providing the European Union with joint product descriptions for products which both countries manufacture. Products recognised by the UN may be produced in any member state, provided they are manufactured using the traditional ingredients and/or production methods determined in the approved product description. Zsolt V. Németh and Dr. Gábor Csicsai agreed that the ministries would prepare the list of joint products with the help of the appropriate trade associations, and then prepare the product descriptions together.

Dr. Gábor Csicsai és Zsolt V. Németh (photo: Gergely Botár)The Committee also discussed the possibility of developing cross-border market regions. The parties agreed that their experts would compare the two country's regulations, and prepare a proposal for legal harmonisation providing proportionate, equal opportunities without the need to amend existing legislation.

Hungary and Slovakia decided to set up the joint committee in 1998 to discuss and coordinate 11 topics of agricultural and rural development policy. The 12th joint committee was set up in 2004 to support cross-border cooperation.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)