"Hungary and Germany would both like funding for planting grapevines within the European Union to remain unaltered after 2015", said State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Gyula Budai in Szekszárd, where he held a meeting with the Parliamentary State Secretary of the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

"Hungary would like funding for grapevine planting to remain in place until 2030, and is asking for Germany's support on this issue", added the State Secretary.

Gyula Budai also mentioned the fact that Hungary and Germany are walking side by side regarding the issue of greening, the CAP's so-called green component. "We would be displeased if the European Commission were to decide to take away from farmland after 2014and offer the land up for environmental purposes", he remarked.

The State Secretary recalled that the Hungarian Government would like the European Union to set up a crisis fund in view of the drought that ravaged has Hungary, and has asked that it be made possible for 80% of EU funding to be payable in advance. "We have asked that Germany support Hungary on these issues", he said.

Peter Bleser, State Secretary of the German Ministry of Agriculture stated that "The standpoints of the two countries are in concordance with regard to the issues discussed". "With reference to wine production policy, we are pressing to that there is no moratorium after 2015 and the regulations on the planting of grapes do not change", he added.

In his opinion, the increase in food prices is also a reason why further land should not be removed from agricultural production within the European Union. "However, production must be performed in a sustainable way so that the quality of farmland remains good for future generations", he said.
With relation to drought damage, the German State Secretary's opinion is that greater flexibility must be provided with regard to the payment of funding so that member states are able to pay out a larger proportion of funding in advance to help farmers who have suffered damages.

(Ministry of Human Resources)