Poultry farmers are to receive four billion Forints from the national budget. According to the statute amendment, poultry welfare support claims may be lodged on a quarterly basis.

Previously, the poultry eligible for support were designated on the request form using the registration number of the Domestic Product Classification System (Hun: BTO). The amendment of the statute was necessary, because the termination of the BTO means the system's code numbers are no longer applicable; the definition of poultry eligible for support using registration numbers will by replaced by a precise explanation with regard to poultry. The statue also prescribes how to determine the precise number of birds that serve as a basis for the support. It is important to note that the sphere of poultry receiving support has not changed.

The animal welfare support approved by the European Commission for use until December 31 2013, facilitates the stability of the poultry sector and helps to maintain jobs in rural areas. The national aid approved by the EU may be requested by those farmers who implement their animal welfare obligations over and above the prescribed level. Requests for support must be lodged before August 31 2011.

The measures will increase the competitiveness of the poultry sector, allow consumers to buy safer meat products and provide producers with a more reliable income. The statue regarding the terms and conditions of animal welfare support available within the poultry sector comes into force on July 17.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)