Hungary would like to increase the area used for biofarming to three hundred thousand hectares by 2020, in view of which the Ministry is working on an ecological farming programme. Organic farmers receive special support and we provide help with switching to the new methods – said Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas at the professional conference of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKI) at the Saint Stephen University in Gödöllő. The event organised by the ÖMKI is aimed at assisting the spread of ecological farming.

In his opening speech, the Minister, who is Chief Patron of the conference on the status of the sector in Hungary, explained that the development of ecological farming is one of the accentuated goals of the Ignác Darányi Plan, the implementation programme of the Rural Development Strategy in force until 2020. Sándor Fazekas stressed that there is still much to do, but the Ministry already provides several tender opportunities to help the spread of ecological farming. Farmers may receive support for preserving genetic resources, breeding autochthonous and endangered animal stocks, cultivating fruit and vegetables, and for compensation for Natura 2000 forest areas.

Sándor Fazekas (photo: Ernő Horváth)The amount of farmland devoted to ecological farming in Hungary did not rise after the country joined the European Union, and in fact the area of land decreased in certain years, despite the fact that Hungary is an ideal area for ecological farming. The Minister stressed that to maintain our competitiveness we must keep pace with the European Union, in which several member states have seen the dynamic development of this type of farming in recent decades.

It is clear that in the future increasing demand for food will be one of the world's greatest challenges – noted the Minister. Food safety cannot be provided with foods produced only using industrial agricultural methods and containing the remnants of various chemicals. In the long term, this method of farming reduces the soil's productivity, a decrease in biodiversity and increased unemployment. With ecological farming, however, we preserve our natural resources, produce healthy food and provide many with employment and a livelihood – stated the Minister.

Sándor Fazekas (photo: Ernő Horváth)Increased worldwide demand for food is another reason why there is a bright future for quality foods produced in Hungary, and especially for those from ecological farming. The Ministry will do everything in its power to ensure that as many farmers as possible choose this method of farming – said Sándor Fazekas.

The participants and sector representatives at the ÖMKI conference called on politicians, experts, scientists and farmers to effectuate joint action and determined measures to support the spread of ecological farming in Hungary.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)