Reinforcement of international environmental protection is a crucial part of government for the European Union. This announcement was made at the Governing Council’s session of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, by the under secretary of the environmental protection programme managed under the Ministry of Rural Development.

On behalf of the EU Mr. Zoltán Illés has been urging the setup of such advanced systems that are capable of responding to the actual challenges and emergencies of environmental protection. He was also talked about transforming the structure of sustainable development, which will contribute to the fact that the economies of member states will navigate in the direction of green economies emitting low levels of carbon-dioxide.

The Governing Council’s session of UNEP is the most important environmental protection conference within the UN’s framework. At this event the EU is represented by Hungary while presiding over the EU in the next six months.

Mr. Zoltán Illés under-secretary of environmental protection was nominated to be Vice-President of the Governing Council’s Session and was also elected to be member of the UNEP Office for the next two years.

Mr. Zoltán Illés stressed in his speech, delivered on behalf of the European Union, that the EU and its members will do everything to promote the Governing Council’s work in the next few days. He added the session may contribute to the success of Conference on Sustainable Development held in 2012 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the conference held in Rio de Janeiro.

The UNEP’s Governing Council will hold its 26th regular session between 21-24 of February in Nairobi. Mr. Zoltán Illés while presiding over the panel will also take part in the the round-table discussions attended by all the secretaries of the member states. The under-secretary of the Rural Development Ministry launched a discussion during his lecture where he outlined what sort of measures were taken by the government to avert further disaster during the red sludge catastrophy.

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)