At Gödöllő the Hungarian, Austrian, Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian Ministers of Environmental Protection signed an agreement concerning all five countries about the preparation of establishing a Biosphere Reservation in the Mura-Dráva-Duna region.

The Declaration was signed at Hungary’s initiation, at the informal meeting of the Ministers of Environmental Protection in the presence of Janez Potocnik, EU Commisioner. Public Announcement The document was signed by Sándor Fazekas, Hungarian Minister, Nikolaus Berlakovich, Austrian Minister, Jasen Mesic, Croatian Minister, Oliver Dulic, Serbian Minister and Roko Zarnic, Slovenian Minister. It is a unique enterprize, that five countries –EU member states and countries who want to join the EU - get together to establish a protected zone reaching across borders along the Mura-Dráva-Duna rivers while following UNESCO regulations.

The future reservation in going to include the habitat of such protected species and plants as the white-tailed eagle, the black stork, the otter, the beaver, the brook cyprus (Myricaria germanica) or the breeze rose with triple leaves (anemone). For the first time there will be such a protected area on the southern and south-western borders, which will include an extensive ecosystem of three rivers and will contribute to the preservation of the Drava region’s beauty and natural resourses. The declaration emphasizes that the establishment of the Biosphere Reservation should be based on the principles of existing international and national nature sanctuaries.

Currently there are five biosphere reservations in Hungary: Aggtelek, Fertőtó, Hortobágy, Kiskunság and Pilis.

The biosphere reservations cater simultaneouisly for the preservation of natural resourses and its of diversity. They help cooperation with the local population and contribute to creating better livelihood. The future Mura-Dráva-Duna Biosphere Reservation is going to play an important role in the development of ecotourism and educating the public to be more environmental conscious.

(Ministry of Rural Development, Press Office)