"The fact that the flavours and values of rural Hungary have been given space in the heart of the capital under the arcades of the Ministry of Rural Development is symbolic. The Ministry indeed wants to take producers under its wings and support them with every instrument possible", announced State Secretary for Rural Development Zsolt V. Németh at the official opening of the market on Kossuth Square, opposite Parliament.

The State Secretary reminded those present that several legislative changes have helped boost local markets recently, including the regulations regarding small-scale producers that once again allows the traditional home slaughtering of pigs and village guest table services, the amendment of the Public Procurement Act thanks to which local produce may now appear in local public catering kitchens, and the very recently adopted new legislation designed to ease food safety regulations in the case of local markets.

photo: Ernő Horváth"Our goal is to shorten the food chain between producer and consumer, and this is also the view taken by the European Union. Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas recently received a letter from EU Commissioner for Agriculture Dacian Cioloş and Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy John Dalli, in which they both encourage member states to support the shortening of the food chain", highlighted Zsolt V. Németh.

Managing Director of G-Mentor Ltd. Tamás Galisz, one of the chief organisers of the market, said "The main goal of the market is for rural Hungary to forge a closer relationship with the capital. Our agriculture is much better than that of other countries; our products are fresh and tasty."

Sr. László Csizmadia, President of the National Association for Rural and Agrotourism, added that "The Rural Fair was realised with real cooperation; public administration, enterprises and non-governmental organisations all worked together to make its opening happen", pointing out "The more people buy Hungarian products, the more goods rural areas will produce."

The opening ceremony's moderator, Sándor Buza stressed, "This market provides quality for people who want quality."

Zsolt V. Németh (photo: Ernő Horváth)

According to plans, the Rural Fair producer's market will be open from June 29 until late autumn, every Friday from 8am to 6pm on Kossuth Square, where small-scale producers from all over the country will arrive to sell their excellent quality produce.

42 producers will be offering their wares together under the arcades on the opening day; customers can even taste the chosen products before buying them.

photo: Ernő Horváth

In addition to the Ministry of Rural Development, the Market was also organised by the National Association for Rural and Agrotourism (FATOSZ), G-mentor Ltd. and the Media-Center.

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)