"Our job isn't to predict the future, but to create it. And the creation of the future begins with us coming together to determine what future we want, and then planning what steps must be taken to make it a reality", Minister of State for Rural Development Zsolt V. Németh said at the professional consultation entitled Rural Development in Focus, organised at the Ministry of Rural Development.

The forum for the social discussion of the Rural Development Operative Programme was opened by Deputy State Secretary Nándor Csepreghy from the Prime Minister's Office. In his speech, Mr. Csepreghy emphasised: "We would like to realise a much more concentrated application of resources, which among others will be achieved by the fact that instead of the current 15 operative programmes, 9 operative programmes will finance the development projects for the following 7-year period."

Within the new Rural Development Programme, as was the case with the National Rural Development Strategy, the objective is the production of valuable and healthy foods from local energy and basic ingredients such that we concurrently preserve the health of our water sources, nature, the soil and Hungarian culture, and while providing jobs to as many people as possible.

The planning of the Programme began in 2012, the State Secretary pointed out. The profession decision-making body of the Rural Development Programme was formed, as well as the Project Office and the 9 working groups that provide the professional background required for the professional development of the Programme. The Programme, including objectives and priorities, was prepared and ready for social debate in 2013; the final draft was published for social and committee discussion on 30 September, including detailed descriptions of development requirements and proposed measures, as well as plans for measure-level funding allocation and indicators.

Instead of the previous four, separate funding axes, the measures for the upcoming seven-year period have been determined according to six priorities and a related 18 areas of focus, Zsolt V. Németh continued. Investment projects will concentrate on the areas of horticulture and animal husbandry, food processing and water management. The compulsory ratio of environment-.related projects is 30 percent, in accordance with which emphasis must be placed on funding for agrarian environment management and forestry projects, as well as for Areas with Natural Handicap (ANH, previously known as Less Favoured Areas, LFA).

Building on LEADER experience and the recommendation of the European Commission, Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) may become a tool for the local involvement of citizens, and is determined as the Programme's sixth priority. Handling rural poverty will be given greater emphasis within the framework of CLLD, in addition to which we propose that smaller, homogeneous, economically communal, but only county-level action groups be formed at the headquarters of current LEADER Local Action Groups, Minister of State Németh explained.

Hungary is also planning to launch thematic Young Farmer and Short Supply Chain (SSC) sub-programmes as fields of special importance to counteract the growing increase in the average age of agricultural producers and assure the appearance of a new generation of farmers. The SSC sub-programme, on the other hand, is aimed as establishing, organising and promoting short supply chains as well as improving farmer participation and training.

The expansion of financing opportunities such as refundable support, bank interest rate subsidies and guarantee instruments will facilitate and increased flow of resources into the agriculture sector. The Commission also plans to simplify both accounting and implementation during the upcoming new planning period.

Opinions and recommendations with regard to the document may be put forward until 15 December 2013. The final draft of the Programme, including the allocation of funding, will be published in January 2014.

(Ministry of Rural Development)