Following daily consultations with the European Commission and Germany it has become evident that enhanced controls on affected feed manufacturers and farms are performed effectively, and the identification and withholding of products potentially contaminated by dioxin is ensured.

The CVO of Hungary has amended decision 1/2011 of January 19, 2011.

Food business operators bringing into Hungary fresh and frozen pork meat, pork meat products, and live pigs for the purposes of slaughter, to be processed or distributed further (hereinafter referred to as consignment) shall, two days before the expected arrival date of the consignment, notify the directorate of food chain safety and animal health of the competent county government office (hereinafter referred to as competent authority).

The competent authority may take samples during risk-based official controls for the purposes of dioxin tests. The costs concerning these tests should be charged to the food business operator.

The paramount aim of the Hungarian competent authority in line with that of the European Union is to protect citizens and to maintain and strengthen the trust towards foodstuffs. On this reason stingent controls are to be maintained.

(Ministry of Rural Development)