The FAO/WHO Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS), the Codex Alimentarius Commission's select committee, will be meeting in Budapest on March 4-8, 2013. Experts representing over 50 countries are expected to take part at the event, and will be elaborating international documents that determine methods of food sampling and analysis.

The Codex was jointly established by two specialised organisations of the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO). Its purpose is to develop standards and practical regulations that provide a framework for supplying consumers with healthy and good quality foods, and create a background for fair trade in food. These documents serve as the basis for both regional (e.g. EU) and national food safety regulations. During recent decades, the Codex Alimentarius has become a determinative factor in both global cooperation on food regulations and in setting regional and national food safety regulations.

Hungary has been involved in the work of the CCMAS select committee since 1972; the Codex Alimentarius was established fifty years ago, and so the Committee's Budapest Session in March is receiving increased attention.

Further information on the Session is available in English at the following link:

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)