Every major Hungarian chocolate and confectionery maker and manufacturer, the most successful distributors and well-known domestic and international brands will all be present at the Édes Napok ("Sweet Days") fair in the Buda Castle district on September 20-23, where visitors will also have the opportunity to participate in a host of programs related to sweets and confectionery.

No festival of similar size and quality has ever been organised in any other European capital. The over 120 exhibitors include only manufacturers that represent excellent quality. Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers (HUNBISCO), was also among the first to support the event last year, because it is their common goal for the quantitative consumption of confectionery to give place to the importance of high quality.

Pfoto: Caba Pelsőczy

"The Ministry of Rural Development hopes the event will help the continued survival of domestic confectionery enterprises and the further increase in the popularity of quality products", said State Secretary for Food Chain Control Supervision and Agricultural Administration Endre Kardeván at the opening ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers.

The first ever "For Confectionery" Award was also presented at the opening ceremony. The award, acknowledging his work to further the confectionery industry, was presented to Antal Zöld, honorary president of the Confectionery Department of the Hungarian Association of Food Science and Technology (MÉTE).

Pfoto: Caba Pelsőczy

"The Ministry of Rural Development supports the production of quality products", said Endre Kardeván. As he explained, the production of quality confectionery is supported by several measures, such as the elaboration of standards for the confectionery product category in the Hungarian Food Book (Codus Alimentarius), and the supervisory efforts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH).

(Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)