According to State Secretary for Agricultural Economy György Czerván, it is a great success for Hungarian agricultural diplomacy that during the course of comprehensive negotiations with Canada in relation to an economic and trade treaty we succeeded in having sweet corn included on the list of so-called "sensitive products", meaning this product will enjoy added protection in future.

It would have been a setback for Hungarian agriculture if the Commission had accepted the Canadian liberalisation recommendation to include sweet corn on the list of "non-sensitive" products.

Hungary has been among the top international producers of canned sweet corn for decades. Hungary exports 42 million euros worth of frozen sweet corn and 170 million euros worth of canned sweet corn each year, making it one of the European Union's largest exporters.

Funding of the School Fruit Scheme may increase

In addition, Hungary welcomes the European Commission's report on the European School Fruit Scheme. According to the document, the programme is a success and is a suitable tool for positively influencing the consumption patterns of both parents and children and encouraging them to eat more fruit and vegetables. For this reason, the Commission recommends that funding for the Scheme be raised from EUR 90 million to EUR 150 million and the ratio of joint funding, i.e. the level of EU participation, be raised from 50 to 75 percent, and from 75 percent to 95 percent in developing regions, such as every region in Hungary with a single exception.

According to the Commission's report, the Scheme provided 43 thousand tons of fruit and vegetables to 8 million children in the 24 participating countries during the 2010/11 school term. Hungary has taken part in the European School Fruit Scheme since it was launched. Some 300 thousand young children in 1800 primary schools currently receive fruit and vegetables through the Scheme. Annual funding for the programme in Hungary, including both the EU and Hungarian budgets, has increased from an initial HUF 872.5 million to HUF 2.35 billion. Children aged 11 and 12 are expected to be included in the Scheme in 2013, and the choice of available fruit and vegetables will also be expanded, states the summary of the Agriculture Council meeting.

(MTI, Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development)