Ministry of Public Administration and Justice

Tibor Navracsics, Dr.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice

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Anti-corruption cooperation between Hungary and China

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 9, 2012 3:55 PM

In the interests of promoting anti-corruption cooperation between Hungary and China, a declaration of cooperation and agreement has been signed by Marcell Biró, Minister of State for Public Administration at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, and Cui Hairong, Deputy Director of China’s National Bureau of Corruption Prevention.

Tibor Navracsics: the goal is for a Hungarian institute in every Central European country

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 8, 2012 2:58 PM

On Wednesday at the opening of a meeting for the directors of the Balassi Institute – which coordinates Hungarian cultural institutes abroad – the Minister of Public Administration and Justice said that it is a national strategy goal for there to be one Hungarian institute in each Central European country.

Regional issues discussed at the Hungarian-Austrian Regional Coordination Forum

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 8, 2012 2:57 PM

Changes in Hungarian public administration and infrastructure development in the border region were discussed at the Hungarian-Austrian Regional Coordination Forum’s latest meeting on Wednesday in the town of Körmend, Hungary.

One hundred thousand will be able to obtain language and IT training grants

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 7, 2012 4:41 PM

One hundred thousand Hungarian adults will be able to obtain training grants in IT and foreign languages. The adult education programme is targeting the unemployed, new mothers, the Roma, those living in the poorest areas and the over-45s. There has never been such a project in Hungary on this scale and with these aims.

EU court rules Hungary retirement law for judges discriminatory

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, November 6, 2012 12:02 PM

Hungary's law on the early retirement of judges is discriminatory, the Luxembourg Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday.

This Sunday we commemorate the crushing of the Revolution

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, October 31, 2012 1:45 PM

On Sunday, 4 November, Hungary commemorates the anniversary of the defeat of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight. On the Day of Remembrance, we pay tribute to those heroes who stood by the ideal of freedom – even at the cost of their lives.

Protection for whistle-blowers in the fight against corruption

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, October 31, 2012 1:39 PM

Implementation is continuing on the Public Administration Anti-Corruption Programme, which was adopted by the Government in March, and for which the next stage is strengthening of protection for whistle-blowers. On Wednesday an expert forum is taking place in the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice entitled ’How Can We Break Down the Walls of Silence in Cases of Corruption?’ Representatives from Hungarian public administration and experts from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) are taking part and sharing their experience from Hungarian and international contexts.

Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics: a generational renewal process is taking place in public administration

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, October 27, 2012 2:06 PM

The Ministry of Public Administration and Justice is today staging the third annual ‘ReGeneration – Governmental Career Expo’ in Budapest. The aim of the event is to present job and career opportunities for young people in public service, government and public administration. At today's opening ceremony the event’s founder, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics, said that the renewal taking place in public administration is not only institutional, legal and professional, but also generational.

Lively Hungarian cultural life in South American states

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, October 26, 2012 3:00 PM

Deputy State Secretary for Hungarian Communities Abroad Zsuzsanna Répás found Hungarian cultural life to be lively on her tour of several South American countries, during which she made contact with Hungarian communities living there.

Hungarian theatre, traditional costume and sculpture in Japan

Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, October 25, 2012 6:37 PM

Cultural programmes linked to Hungary have begun in Japan. State Secretary for Public Diplomacy Zoltán Kovács is attending the events, and on Saturday his itinerary includes opening the cultural festival in Tokyo in which young Hungarian performers from Transylvania will take the stage.