In a speech in Budapest on Tuesday, Slovakian President Ivan Gašparovič said that Slovak-Hungarian co-operation is increasingly becoming an everyday reality, and that politicians from the two countries must strive to build good neighbourly relations. Following this, Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said in a short address that Hungary seeks to deepen co-operation in every area with its neighbouring countries.

In his speech marking the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Hungarian-Slovakian diplomatic relations, Mr. Gašparovič said that his first visit abroad in 2013 brought him to Hungary, which two decades ago was among the first countries to recognize an independent Slovakia.

Photo: MTI, Tamás Kovács

‘The Republic of Slovakia is a success story. The special feature of this story is that the success of Central European states is a shared success. It is a shared success for Slovakia and Hungary,’ said Mr. Gašparovič, who added that over the last twenty years the two countries have supported each other unselfishly on many occasions, knowing that this serves the interests of citizens in both states.

In his opinion Slovakia must seek the answer to economic and social questions together with its neighbours. The President also said that the two countries continue to have differing views on a number of important historical events, and that the content of school history books frequently differs between the two countries. Mr. Gašparovič said that ‘At the same time this must not prevent us from developing friendly relations and concentrating on our shared future.’

In his opinion, the fact that in a shared book leading historians are seeking to clarify the most significant historical misunderstandings can protect younger generations from forming prejudices. ‘I think that this is the best investment in the future of our relations,’ he said.

The Slovakian president also spoke of how the Slovakian and Hungarian minorities enrich the relations of the two countries. He thinks that, while Hungary approaches the matter from a different standpoint, in relation to minorities Slovakia is fulfilling every requirement based on rights to individual liberty. He said that ‘It is important that the 1995 agreement between the two countries focuses on minority affairs, and that this agreement remains to this day the basis for dialogue in this area.’

He added that the life of minorities must be continuously improved, creating a favourable inter-ethnic climate. ‘I am not convinced that the latest legislation on Hungarian citizenship serves this end. Nevertheless, it is in the interest of us all to continue dialogue, and to find solutions to unresolved matters,’ he said.

In a short address following the Slovakian president’s speech, Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said that Hungary is seeking to deepen co-operation with neighbouring countries in every area. Mr. Navracsics said that ‘We have the opportunity to show the world that there are more things that unite us than divide us.’

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)