Following a strategic agreement between the Hungarian Government and the OECD, the Zoltán Magyary Programme could become an international model for the development of public administration.

Discussions on the agreement lasted around six months, after which the OECD announced that it would gladly co-operate with the Hungarian Government, because its programme for the development of public administration is extraordinarily wide-ranging compared to those of other countries.

One of the OECD’s basic tasks is to encourage wider implementation of good national practices, and with the Magyary Programme Hungary can pass on valuable know-how. The subject areas of the agreement are the following: strategic planning; simplification of public administration procedures; so-called ’one-stop customer service’; methodology in the areas of the fight against corruption and internal government co-ordination; and measurement of the effectiveness of the fight against corruption. It is planned that the evaluation of the Magyary Programme will be one of the main themes at the OECD Conference in Mexico in the autumn.
