Speaking as Hungary’s representative at the Council of Europe’s Justice Conference in Vienna, Minister of State at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Róbert Répássy said that urban violence in Hungary is not present to the same degree as in some western European countries, such as France.

The forum, which ended last Friday, dealt with the possible solutions that the justice system could offer for the problems of urban violence, juvenile offenders and victims of crime, organised crime and new channels of communication.

Mr. Répássy said that in many areas Hungary has already adopted proposals put forward at the conference, for example in separate criminal procedures and standards related to juvenile crime. He mentioned areas in which further progress needs to be made, such as special provisions for child victims.

Touching on the subject of the age of criminal responsibility, he said that an age lower than 14 years is not unique in Europe. In this respect Hungary has acted with moderation, as the limit will be lowered next year to 12 years only for violent crimes, and sentences will not be served in penal institutions, but in special education institutions.

The motion adopted by the Assembly urges member states to share ‘best practice’ amongst each other. Its proposes that the Council of Europe’s bodies review the experience gained by member states in the area of crime prevention and legislation related to juvenile offenders and victims.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)