The national creative industry has received an unprecedented amount of Government funding and attention in support, stressed the State Secretary for Social Relations of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice in Budapest on Saturday.

Encompassing a variety of sectors from industrial to fashion design, the creative industry could become a leading branch of the Hungarian economy, explained Monika Balatoni.

DownloadPhoto: Ernő HorváthWork done to achieve this will include a new creative innovation and knowledge park at Moholy-Nagy University of Art, to be built for nearly 11 billion HUF in two stages by 2017. Launched as a priority investment in terms of national economy, the project aims at making the institution one of Europe’s leading creative industry workshops and R&D centres, Ms Balatoni said.

The Country Brand Council, reborn this year as a coordinator between the ministries, is a professional preparatory, proposal making and opinion-giving forum required for developing a uniform country brand and for shaping country image. Its members include the leaders of Balassi Institute, the Hungarian Investment and Trade Agency and Hungarian Tourism Ltd.
The Design Terminal National Creative Industry Centre, responsible for the Rethink/Re-button! fashion design competition, which started in 2011 and has since developed into an event of regional importance, will become a key government background institution from 1 January 2014.

DownloadPhoto: Ernő HorváthBoth the public and the private sectors will assist emerging Hungarian creators and workshops in appearing at the international arena also with other means. A case in point are two young Hungarian fashion designers, Réka Vágó and Dóra Abodi, who bought a share in the Széchenyi Capital Fund and became partners this year.

Bori Tóth, Art Director of Maison Marquise fashion parlour, which hosted the press conference, explained that a high number of gifted young creators graduate from art universities and it is in the country’s interest to prevent them from succeeding at foreign companies; the Government’s initiatives to support the creative industry are great help in this respect.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)