The Government of Hungary and the Jewish Heritage of Hungary Public Endowment (MAZSÖK) refuse the allegations made by Claims Conference in its latest statement, and call upon the organisation to refrain from misleading, intentionally misguiding and provoking fear in international public opinion and Holocaust survivors living abroad who receive compensation funds from the Hungarian State.

It is the intention of Hungary and MAZSÖK to ensure that, regardless of the settlement dispute with Claims Conference, survivors should not sustain a disadvantage, and should, within the shortest possible time, receive the funds they are rightfully entitled to. At present, the only obstacle to this is that Claims Conference is unable to render an account of the funds used to MAZSÖK. Consequently, based on the Hungarian laws on state finances, the disbursement of any further funds to Claims would be unlawful, and Claims must be obliged to repay the funds it had received.

The claim made by the organisation that they met all financial reporting obligations is untrue. The reports provided by the organisation are incomplete, often lack transparency and do not conform to the relevant regulations. Hungary drew the organisation’s attention to these deficiencies several times.

It is an untrue and highly regrettable allegation on the organisation’s part that “thousands of Holocaust survivors will, unfortunately, be deprived of the assistance they so desperately need”; Hungary does not have a claim vis-à-vis survivors but Claims Conference. Hungary is reclaiming the sum of which the organisation is unable to provide a lawful account; the organisation itself is well aware of this.

We find it extremely regrettable that Executive Vice-President Greg Schneider even deploys the tactic of making misleading, untrue claims that are designed provoke fear and uncertainty in Holocaust survivors, and instead of making efforts to render a financial settlement that conforms to the relevant rules, attempts to spoil Hungary’s reputation with false allegations.

Hungary also refuses Greg Schneider’s claim that Hungary has “reneged when it came time to pay”. Hungary has met all its obligations undertaken for the assistance of Holocaust survivors. Hungary, however, is unable and unwilling to dispense with compliance and the enforcement of compliance with its laws.

See history here.

What is the sum that Hungary is reclaiming? (interest included)

The Hungarian State paid Claims USD 8,400,000 in total via the Jewish Heritage of Hungary Public Endowment in April 2009. Of this, there is no settlement in respect of a single cent that would fully conform to the relevant agreements and legal rules. However, it is presumed that Claims would be able to render an account of most of the funds it had received if that was its intention.

According to your calculations, how many individuals should receive compensation funds abroad? What is the sum per capita?

It forms part of our request for a settlement account that Claims should tell us finally how many individuals are eligible for compensation funding and on what grounds these individuals would be eligible for funds. Claims has to date not supplied us with a list on the basis of which it would be possible to identify the recipients to everyone’s satisfaction. We are consequently unable to tell either the number of the individuals eligible for compensation or the sum per capita.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)