One hundred and twenty young people are attending the summer camp ReGeneration organised by the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice at Lake Balaton. The camp is being organised this year for the second time for university students who are interested in public services, public administration, politics and the work of the government.

Attendees were welcomed by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics, who said that young people are essential for improving efficiency in public administration and they are also greatly relied upon in regional public administration currently in the process of renewal.

Participants may meet several government politicians and may acquaint themselves with the functioning of government in seminars in the fields of developments, the public administration reform, education policy, cultural policy and sports policy.

The camp forms part of the ReGeneration programme launched by the Government in 2010, the purpose of which is to popularise occupations in public service among young people and to introduce the operation of public administration and the available career opportunities. Within the framework of the programme, the Government has already held successful governmental career “fairs” twice and has launched public administration scholarship programmes, thanks to which hundreds of young people have joined the ranks of public administration in the past two years and take part in professional programmes in Hungary and abroad. Additionally, the National Public Service University began its operation this year. This institution serves as the base for public service training and education, and its development and the construction of a sophisticated university campus constitute one of the Government’s priority projects.

(Közigazgatási és Igazságügyi Minisztérium)