The next sitting of the Hungarian-Slovakian Intergovernmental Joint Committee will be in Visegrád on 18 October. Among the important topics to be discussed will be development of cross-border infrastructure, public transport, possible cooperation in healthcare, and European regional associations. The members of the Hungarian delegation met on Thursday in the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, at the invitation of the co-chairperson, Minister of State Erika Szabó.

Those present reviewed the most important questions related to Hungarian-Slovakian bilateral links and the areas near the border, and decided on agenda points for the sitting.

The aim of the joint committee is promotion of cooperation along the border between local and regional governments and public administration bodies, as well as the exchange of information and the strengthening of neighbourly relations. In particular it seeks to identify and promote initiatives coming from below, and incorporate these into its work.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)