New generations imply great possibilities for Hungary, as they will be the source of our future entrepreneurs, craftsmen and decision-makers. They are the ones who supply the resources for necessary changes in Hungary and in Europe. Taking these resources into consideration, the New Generation Programme was created together with young people. The programme identifies the overall goals and tools that can help all of us to live in a Hungary where young people care about their country, and their country cares about them.
With the help of a working group, Hungarian youth was consulted on the following ten important issues: Budapest, the countryside, the situation of women, culture, talent management, career planning, sports, entertainment, family formation and civic activity.
In the summer of 2011 a public consultation project was launched on the Internet and as a road-show at summer festivals and youth events which attract a lot of young people. The programme is based on the opinion of 300 non-governmental and professional organizations and student councils, and therefore a huge number of people may identify with it.
This is neither a strategy nor an action plan, but a Framework Programme, seeking to offer solutions to the problems of those in the 14-35 age range.
In the programme, four areas of intervention have emerged: nationality, home, career and leisure. It explores and describes the problems related to these issues, specifies the objectives, and proposes solutions.
It gives a different interpretation framework to youth affairs. The Government does not regard youth policy as a separate sector, but it assumes that all areas of life can affect young people. Thus the State is responsible for giving directions to those who lack certainty, and providing further options for the ambitious.
The model programme called "Youth Career Life Path" (“Ifjúsági karrier-életpálya”) intends to provide young people with assistance on lifestyles and career choice at three main stages of life: at the age of 16; after the first term at university; and before the final term at university. This is because conscious career planning is vital when it comes to the future of the new generation.
The programme called "You have someone to turn to" (“Van kihez fordulnod”) is a mental health network based on discussion on the Internet, where young people may ask for help from trustworthy, trained mentors who are familiar with their environment, and who are in fact anonymously communicating pedagogues. These volunteers will provide help online.
The programme does not require a new institutional structure or new governmental sources: we wish to use human resources and the infrastructure of the existing institutions and youth organizations which support the Programme and would like to join it.
" - for a successful generation" (“ – Egy sikeres nemzedékért”) is an informative website which will be launched this year, bringing together topics that concern young people.