Talks between Tibor Navracsics, the minister of justice and public administration, and Finnish politicians in Helsinki on Wednesday focused on reform of the justice system and public administration.

Navracsics, who is also a deputy prime minister, told MTI by phone that he had met Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen and discussed current events unfolding in the European Union, especially the Greek situation and its effects on the economic political climate.

He also briefed Katainen about Hungarian measures in public administration and efforts to boost the economy's competitiveness.

Talks with Finnish Justice Minister Anna-Maja Henriksson focused on the experiences of the reform of the justice system in Hungary. Navracsics said he had presented the reasons for reform and briefed on changes implemented so far. He also told Henriksson about the ongoing consultations with the Council of Europe concerning Hungary's media law and judiciary.

A meeting with Finland's minister for local councils, Henna Maria Virkkunen, focused on the reform of public administration in both countries. Finland is in a similar situation as Hungary was before the reform, Navracsics said.

Later in the day, he is also scheduled to meet the chairman of the Supreme Court, the heads of the constitutional and legislative committees and the group leader of the National Coalition Party, which is the Finnish member in the European People's Party.