The Government launched the most intensive series of anti-corruption measures of the post-change of regime period following its establishment, thereby emphasising its commitment to enhancing the trust of the people in the State and to reinforcing and guaranteeing the responsible management of national assets and public funds.

Hungary has an anti-corruption programme for the first time which is designed to implement anti-corruption measures in the fields of law, the economy and public administration. The primary purpose of the anti-corruption project launched as yet another station in the fight against corruption is to reduce office corruption to a degree that is also perceivable by society. A priority project is now being launched in conjunction with the Government’s anti-corruption measures which serves to support the efforts made to prevent corruption in public administration. The project is being implemented with the cooperation of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice and the National Public Service University.

External monitoring is provided for the project under the framework agreement entered into with the OECD, while information campaigns tailored to specific target groups serve to promote its social acceptance.
The professional content of the project is fundamentally identified in Government Resolution No. 1104/2012. (IV.6.) on the Government’s anti-corruption measures and the approval of the Anti-Corruption Programme of Public Administration. This programme places the main emphasis on prevention and the reinforcement of personal and organisational integrity, in departure from the former criminal law approach.

The contemplated measures focus on the establishment of an integrity management system in public administration which constitutes the foundations for a defence mechanism against organisational corruption and other irregularities.

The implementation of the concepts outlined above is also promoted by training courses differentiated to accommodate the specific needs of the target groups concerned which are aimed, on the one hand, at the attainment of organisational development targets and, on the other hand, at the continued promotion of an integrity-based approach in organisational operations. As training will be provided by the National Public Service University, the curricula developed will be integrated into the system of further and on-the-job training in higher education and public administration, thereby guaranteeing the sustainability of measures designed to prevent corruption.

It clearly indicates the particular significance of the project that the Government has raised the original budget of the project from HUF 480 million to HUF 680 million. Detailed information on the progress of the project and the Government’s anti-corruption measures will be provided on the anti-corruption website launched on 1 March 2013 ( The website of the project will gather together and make accessible to the public information and documents related to the anti-corruption programme of public administration, the measures of the project and the status of the implementation of the project as well as information on related news and events.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)