We shall commemorate the Deportation of Germans in Hungary on Saturday, 19 January.

It was on this day in 1946 that the first wagon set out from Budaörs which marked the beginning of the deportation of the German minorities living in Hungary. On the occasion of the Memorial Day, Minister of Human Resources Zoltán Balog and Imre Ritter, President of the Pest County German Self-Government will deliver speeches at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday at the Deportation Memorial in Solymár’s Church Square (Templom tér). The Government awaits everyone who wishes to light candles of remembrance in memory of the deportation of the Germans in Hungary.

„We shall never again tolerate that anything like this should happen to us”; this is the message of the series of memorial days which will commemorate the deportation of Germans in Hungary on 19 January, the victims of communism on 25 February, the victims of the Holocaust in Hungary on 16 April and the European victims of totalitarian regimes on 23 August. At the same time, the series of events provides a framework for commemorating other tragic turning points in Hungarian history at the initiative of the Hungarian Parliament.

Information for the press:

The event is open to the press. If you wish to attend, please notify us at the [[[tdVrnWO3UjZc2FqdG9Aa2ltLmdvdi5odQ==]]] email address by 12.00 noon on 18 January 2013.

Confirmation, contact:

Rajmund Fekete
+36 30 274 98 67

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)