A new public administration development project is being launched within the New Széchenyi Plan. In the coming months, the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice is carrying out a review of the legislative environment necessary for the widest possible implementation of public e-services. Thus public administration is being brought in line with ever more customer-friendly approaches, not only in terms of the government windows which are opening across the country, but also in the area of public e-services.


In May the Government decided on the action plan for the 2011-2013 State Reform Operative Programme, and certain highlighted projects in the State Reform Operative Programme and the E-Public Administration Operative Programme – such as review of the legislative environment of public e-services and organisational development of government offices.

The Public E-Services Programme being launched will be realised with HUF 200 million of EU funding, and must be implemented by the end of April 2013. Within the programme, the Ministry will continue the regulatory work which has already been started, the fine-tuning of legislation and the training of public officials who will be using the new regulations. The programme will contribute to improvement of performance in public administration and development of public administration in line with contemporary demands, and building on the opportunities offered by the information society.

In addition to the development of e-public administration, initiatives forming part of public administration reform launched by the Government are the following:

• simplification of official procedures;
• the development of government offices;
• the implementation of the Public Administration Anti-Corruption Programme;
• the development of telephone-based handling of enquiries from the public;
• training for public servants;
• the development of services at government windows which are accessible to citizens and provide simple administration of their affairs.

The system of governmental districts coming online from January will be a milestone for the latter initiative.


(Prime Minister’s Office)