The Metropolitan Court of Appeal has registered MAZSÖK’s new board of trustees on a final and absolute basis. The Jewish Heritage of Hungary Public Endowment was established by the Government of the Republic of Hungary in 1997 for the purpose of honouring its international legal commitments undertaken in the Paris Peace Treaty.

The renewed board of trustees enjoys the full support of every participant of the Jewish Community Round Table and the Government. As a result, a series of negotiations and a legal procedure ongoing for more than a year has been closed, in consequence of which there are no more obstacles to the smooth operation of the public endowment.

The members of the new board of trustees were appointed, based on the nominations of Jewish organisations, from among the candidates of Hungarian and international Jewish organisations and outstanding representatives from the realm of science and public life. The founder (Government) is represented by 2 members on the board.

The Government has renewed its dialogue with Jewish communities, in the spirit of which it conducts regular consultations with members of the Jewish communities. The Jewish Community Round Table was set up within the boundaries of consultations. Also as a result of ongoing consultations for several months, the Government approved the agreement on the 2012 restitution payments to Jewish religious communities in Hungary.

The purpose of the Jewish Heritage of Hungary Public Endowment (MAZSÖK) is to enable individuals who were exposed to any suffering on account of their Jewish origin in consequence of laws conceived in a fascist spirit, their descendants and the communities organised by them to reorganise their religious, cultural and educational organisations, to reinforce their Jewish identity and to improve the social situation of those in need.
