Parliament’s autumn session beginning on 10 September is expected to start with an intensive phase of legislation. Debates on the action plan designed to help employees and employers and the related regulations are on the agenda as a priority issue, Bence Rétvári, Minister of State for Public Administration and Justice announced.

The Minister of State highlighted that the programme of the autumn session features 55 government proposals; 22 of these are brand-new bills. While the process of legislation will be tight and intensive during the autumn session, the predictability and transparency of legislation will improve, as anticipated, the Minister of State said.

The bill on the action plan for job protection and the related legislative proposals have already been submitted to Parliament, and will be discussed within a tight schedule. According to plans, the relevant amendments and the law on the itemised tax of low taxpayer businesses and on the tax of small businesses will be passed by 1 October.

Parliament will begin the debate of the new Civil Code, while the debate of the bill on the 2013 budget will also continue and is expected to be closed before the end of September.

The debate on the bill on the election process, in conjunction with the recently passed law on the new election system, will also begin; the government parties, Fidesz and KDNP, are jointly discussing every material facet of this piece of legislation.

Members of Parliament will also debate the land law which is designed to give local Hungarian farmers engaged in agricultural production as their chosen career and profession a better chance. As anticipated, the proposed bill will be attacked from many sides; the adversaries of this legislation are counter-interested in the maintenance of arable land within national competence and the elimination of speculators, the Minister of State remarked.

The issue of the regulation of the retirement age for judges will be presented to Parliament as well.

(Prime Minister’s Office)