On Tuesday Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics spoke at a conference of his ministry’s Child-friendly Justice System Working Group, when he called for further emphasis on the needs of children when training judges.

One of the major successes of the 2011 Hungarian EU presidency was approval of a directive aimed at harmonisation of sentences for sex crimes committed against children. Thus greater protection for children has been created in the legal sphere.

The Ministry of Justice has declared 2012 the year for creation of a child-friendly justice system, and in this spirit the Government has introduced a number of measures and amended legislation. A more child-centred justice system will help children overcome the trauma of the crimes committed against them, without adding to the trauma in the course of administrative procedures.

The setting up of interview and witness rooms specifically designed for children is part of the programme, as are several amendments to the Criminal Code for the protection of children.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)