The Government has approved an equestrian programme named after ‘Kincsem’, the historic Hungarian racehorse. This programme aims to develop the Hungarian equestrian sector and ensure its sustainability, integrating national equestrian education culture, horse riding tourism, stud farms, equestrian sports, hippotherapy and horse racing. Thus Hungary’s role in horse tourism, based on a long and famous tradition of horsemanship, may increase still further within Europe.

The Government’s equestrian programme is being co-ordinated by ministerial delegate László Horváth, who has overseen several months of work and consultation, preceded by years of similar work. Professional riders’ organisations, who have been waiting years for the rebirth of the sector, have also participated in its development.

There are many economic opportunities in equestrian culture, for example: increased domestic tourism, catering and accommodation services, infrastructure, job creation and cultural life. The implementation of projects set out in the programme will begin immediately, and there will be developments in a number of areas this year. There will also be a full review of the funding system for the equestrian sector, as well as institutional reinforcement of the system. Education connected to equestrian culture will be more prominent in the public education system. The aim is to see future generations knowledgeable about and attached to horses and equestrian culture. The opportunity to encounter and to ride horses might therefore not be rare and unaffordable experiences for children, but as natural as swimming lessons are today.

The development of equine therapy services, already widely used for the treatment of certain conditions, is also part of the programme.

The Government would make off-road riding easier. Hungary’s network of bridleways and footpaths is under further development, as is the network’s digital mapping. The Horse Racing Act and an Act on state stud facilities are also under preparation. The training system for horse riding is also being reviewed. More key tourist facilities are being developed as planned. The conscious cultivation of Hungary’s unique cavalry traditions (e.g. the Hungarian hussar tradition) is also part of the programme.

The programme is named after ‘Kincsem’: the late-19th-century multiple prize-winning racehorse, known as the invincible ’miracle mare’. During her lifetime she ran in 54 races over four seasons, always beating Europe’s best horses, and becoming a legendary icon in the history of thoroughbreds.
