Parliament declared 4 June the Day of National Cohesion in 2010. The country is remembering this year for the second time the day of the signing of the Trianon peace dictate as the Day of National Cohesion and the fact that every member and community of the Hungarian nation subjected to the jurisdiction of multiple states forms part of the single, unified Hungarian nation. On the occasion of the Memorial Day, there will be family and cultural programmes all day on Sunday, 3 June at Kossuth tér in Budapest and ceremonial flag raising on Monday, 4 June.

Parliament passed the law on Hungary’s Day of National Cohesion of 4 June in 2010. It was on this day in 1920 that the Peace Treaty of Trianon closing World War I was signed which designated the new borders of Hungary, Austria and Romania on account of the disintegration of the Austro –Hungarian Empire and the newly established Czechoslovakia and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. By virtue of the designation of the new borders, Hungary lost more than two thirds of its territory and the number of its inhabitants decreased from 21 million to less than 8 million. It is in consequence of this pact that millions of Hungarians live directly beyond the country’s borders in Romania, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia also at present.

Hungary therefore regarded 4 June 1920 as a day of national mourning for a long time, while during the communist regime, it was simply forbidden to remember it at all.

Hungarian society has had the opportunity to experience and truly appreciate the value of national unity with Hungarians beyond the borders, to acquaint themselves with the true details of history and to foster relations with Hungarians living beyond the borders since the change of regime.

Based on society’s overwhelming support, Hungary’s new Fundamental Law, too, confirms Hungary’s commitment to our national unity with Hungarians beyond the borders. With a view to unity and cohesion, the Hungarian State does not only take responsibility for Hungarians beyond the borders but also promotes the survival of their communities, the enforcement of their individual and collective rights, the establishment of communal municipalities and their advancement in their native land, the Constitution proclaims.

The Orbán Government has made possible the acquisition of dual citizenship as of January 2011, which some 250,000 individuals have applied for to date, and launched the website for Hungarians around the world.

Parliament passed a law on Hungary’s Day of National Cohesion in 2010 which Hungary no longer looks upon as a day of mourning but as a day for celebration when it celebrates together with all Hungarians beyond the borders. See text of the Act in English:

On Sunday there will be folk dancing, folk music, literary discussions and concerts at Kossuth tér. At 8.00 a.m. on Monday morning, the official Remembrance Day will commence with the ceremonial raising of Hungary’s flag outside the Parliament Building. The programmes of the memorial day will be broadcast by Duna Televízió that may be viewed world-wide.
