The Hungarian public administration unfolded in the past four years and took part in the competition forming between public administration systems of different countries – said the Minister of Public Administration and Justice at the annual opening ceremony of the Administrative Fellowship Program in Budapest this Friday.

As Tibor Navracsics spoke to the hundreds of participants about the youth scholarship program providing administrative practices and international experiences, he mentioned it could serve as an example for countries, which aimed to renew their administrative system like Hungary did. However, as the Minister pointed out, the EU also considers adopting the program as a community dimension item.

The Deputy Prime Minister reminded that the Ministry under his service seeks the rejuvenation of staff and terms of approach during the renewal of administration.

Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice among the purposes of the program mentioned the fact that talented young people, who are fresh graduates and have a knowledge of foreign languages should not pursue career abroad or in the private sector but for the sake of serving common good should benefit their knowledge in public administration.

As Bence Rétvári said, the new bloodstream of the sector is a must, because young people who can easily unrepentant the most advanced technical equipment, do not consider people as representatives of an authority and aren’t impatient towards customers, but they are dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness of their own institutions.

Since 2011 more than half a thousand people became a fellow of the scholarship and their number may grow with an additional hundred this year.

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)