A German-Hungarian conference on the economy, science, tourism and regional development was held in the vicinity of Hungary’s largest lake, Lake Balaton, a major tourist destination.

Some three thousand German companies operate in Hungary, and most of these are small- and medium-sized businesses which are barely known beyond their immediate environment but provide jobs for 300 to 400 thousand Hungarian employees. German capital invested in Hungary amounts to EUR 17 billion, half of which found opportunities in the processing industry. German businesses are implementing several strategic projects in Hungary at present; the new Kecskemét plant of Mercedes will create 3,000 jobs by the end of the year, the Győr factory of Audi will, in addition to the already existing jobs, offer work to some 2,500 people and Bosch, too, is adhering to its expansion plans also resulting in new jobs.

There have been long-standing economic and agricultural relations between Germany and Hungary, and there is exemplary cooperation also in the area of veterinary hygiene. Germany is Hungary’s strategic partner in the field of food industry products; primarily highly processed Hungarian foodstuffs sell best in Germany.

Bence Rétvári, Minister of State for Public Administration and Justice said in his speech that German cooperation is key for Hungary; the successful cooperation between the German economy and public administration may serve as an example for Hungary as well. The State must operate as a partner of investors, rather than as some bureaucratic braking mechanism, Rétvári said, who reminded his audience that Parliament had recently unanimously approved a decision on German-Hungarian strategic cooperation in the next 20 years. In his lecture, the Minister of State also rendered an account of the measures taken by the Government for the reduction of bureaucracy which are also designed to boost the economy.
