The highly successful “Rebutton it! Hungarian is fashionable” programme has also reached Brussels where an exhibition of the clothes designed by Hungarian fashion designers will open today at the Hungarian Cultural Institute. The event is attached to Design September in Belgium.

The exhibition will showcase the works submitted in response to the “Rebutton it! Hungarian is fashionable” clothing design competition invited by the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice and Design Terminal for the second time and a selection of the items presented at the fashion show. The exhibition will be opened tonight by Dr Zoltán Kovács, Minister of State for Social Relations at the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, who is one of the hosts and main organisers of the programme launched in 2010.

(Photo: Károly Árvai)

In addition to the clothes on display at the Cultural Institute, young Hungarian designers will also have the opportunity to present their latest collections to the audience of Design September, an event that carries on for an entire month. The showcasing of the works of Hungarian designers in Belgium was organised under the joint auspices of the Balassi Institute, the Hungarian Wave Cultural Society and Design Terminal.

The opening ceremony will be attended by Renáta Gyöngyösi, winner of the Rebutton it! 1.0 competition in the clothing category, Anett Farkas, winner of the Rebutton it! 2.0 competition in the clothing category, fashion designer Dániel Benus, stylist Márk Lakatos and Péter Szűcs, senior editor of the magazine Marie Claire.

The “Rebutton it! Hungarian is fashionable” clothing design competition was launched by the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice and Design Terminal; the show was first staged at the Museum of Fine Arts in 2011, and at the Millennium Park this year. The programme plays a major role in giving Hungarian fashion and Hungarian motifs a new impetus and in boosting the popularity of clothes designed by Hungarian designers in Hungary and also abroad. The competition and the related event have contributed to the revival of Hungarian fashion and have created a tradition that is able to promote talented young Hungarians also on the international scene.

The design festival held in Brussels for the sixth time this year creates an opportunity for representatives of the design industry to present their works at more than 100 cultural and commercial events, thereby creating an exciting forum for the introduction of international participants. The organisers have laid particular emphasis this year on graphic and fabric designs.

For more information on the “Rebutton it! Hungarian is fashionable” programme, visit
For more information on the Design September programme, visit

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)