Croatia's accession to the European Union will boost cooperation between Hungarians and Croats, and further strengthen the already good relations between the two countries, Hungarian Deputy Prime Minister Tibor Navracsics said in Pécs on Sunday evening.

July 1 will open a new chapter in the two nations' common work, and cooperation may increase their weight in the democratic community of European nation-states, the he stated on the city's main square, just a few hours before Croatia joined the EU as its 28th member state.

Speaking in Croatian and Hungarian, the Deputy Prime Minister referred to his Croatian ancestors, and said that there are few nations in Europe with such close historical links as Hungarians and Croats.

"Hungarians and Croats lived in the same commonwealth for over 800 years and, in general, both nations benefitted from this community," he emphasised.

Croatian Ambassador to Hungary Gordan Grlic Radman said that EU membership would open a new era in Croatia's history. He expressed his gratitude to Hungary for its support during the integration process, adding that from Monday on the two countries would be able to work together in defending EU values.

In the early hours of Monday, Deputy Prime Minister Navracsics attended a pop concert in Osijek (Eszék), northeast Croatia. Addressing the crowd just after midnight, he stated that the European Union offers a chance which Croatians should also take advantage of.

(MTI, Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)