In the evening of 20 August, the day that marks the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian State, more than half a million people watched the ceremonial fireworks display held on the Danube Banks. The ceremonial events attracted much attention and were held in high spirits; thousands of tourists were able to share the festive atmosphere of one of Hungary’s greatest national holidays.

Programmes began in the morning at Kossuth tér, outside the Parliament Building with the ceremonial raising of the flag and the officer inauguration ceremony where President of the Republic János Áder delivered a ceremonial speech. The head of state stressed that we are at the beginning of a new era as the old world found itself at a critical junction, and only those nations will be the winners of the 21st century which will be able to “lift their spirits”. He stated with great pride that the Hungarians are amongst the persevering, surviving nations that created a state. János Áder likened the foundation of the State to the foundation of a family. As he said, family represents home to us all, and the State, too, is similar to the family in this respect; it means that not only do we have a country but we also have a home.

The most prestigious state decorations of the nation were handed over during the course of the morning in the Parliament Building. These are awarded in recognition of outstanding performance rendered in the service of the nation, the development of the country, the promotion of the interests of the country and the enhancement of universal human values. Early in the afternoon, nine organisations and persons from beyond the borders were awarded the Medal for Hungarians Beyond the Borders.

Already by 10.00 a.m., the embankments filled up with spectators to watch the air show organised over the Danube. Hundreds of thousands of people followed the events from the highly popular Promenade of Hungarian Flavours where visitors had the opportunity to taste the best of Hungarian cuisine. Family programmes and concerts entertained visitors on the Danube Banks all day long.

At 3.00 p.m., after the traditional bread blessing, a spectacular harvest march set out and proceeded over the Chain Bridge all the way to St. Stephen’s Basilica. Children and adults adorned in traditional Hungarian folk costumes marched through the city with the New Bread that symbolises the holiday. The ceremonial mass at St. Stephen’s Basilica began at 5.00 p.m., which was followed by the traditional procession.

In the afternoon, President of the Republic János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán welcomed Hungarian Olympic athletes at the Puskás Ferenc Stadium. While the most memorable moments of the Olympic Games were being shown on the stadium screens, the 15-thousand-strong audience greeted the athletes with a standing ovation.

Similar to all national holidays during the past two years, also on this holiday, the Hungarian Parliament Building was open to visitors. This time, a record number of visitors came to marvel at the beauty of the building; some 14 thousand people visited the building and saw the Holy Crown.

A spectacular fireworks display crowned the holiday at 9.00 p.m. As a special feature and novelty, rockets were also launched from the Chain Bridge, a site that dominates Budapest’s panoramic view.

There were celebrations throughout the country in memory of King Stephen. Every year, one of the most spectacular events that is held in conjunction with the national holiday is the Debrecen flower carnival which was attended by more than a hundred thousand visitors. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics stressed at the commemoration held in Királyszentistván that the formal state is the best guarantee for the Hungarian nation to preserve its identity. He emphasised that a nation with an independent state is able to ensure its survival; at the same time, we are also aware that we cannot exist in isolation. He added that a nation only has a future if “we define our future in a European context, define our future as Europeans and live in the future as Europeans”.

20 August is the anniversary of the burial and canonisation of Hungary’s first king, the founder of the State, King Stephen 1 (969-1038), the holiday of King St. Stephen, and also the holiday of the New Bread. St. Stephen was the king who, simultaneously with the establishment of a formal state structure, also organised the Christian church in Hungary.

We shall not have to wait long for the next grandiose festival as the 21st International Wine Festival will be held between 12 and 16 September in the beautifully situated Buda Royal Castle. The English-language website of the festival:

(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)