Today Government Commissioner Dr. András Levente Gál held another meeting with representatives of Jewish religious communities concerning the system for payment of subventions.

Leaders of all Jewish religious communities in Hungary took part in the meeting; for the sake of completeness they reviewed all existing legislation, rulings by the Constitutional Court, agreements and other documents created so far related to subventions; differences of opinion were also discussed.

Gusztáv Zoltai represented the Alliance of Hungarian Jewish Communities of Faith (MAZSIHISZ) at the meeting as an observer, and he made his organisation’s standpoint clear: MAZSIHISZ is prepared to support the other Jewish religious communities, but not from the subvention. He also made it clear that MAZSIHISZ does not wish to see the current agreement changed in any way whatsoever.

Representatives from the other religious communities (EMIH, MAOIH, and the Reform Judaism community of faith) declared their intention that, subject to agreement, they are prepared to contribute to the operating costs of the institutions currently maintained by MAZSIHISZ from funds they receive from the subvention.

Significant structural changes have occurred within Hungarian Jewish religious communities since signing the agreements on the payment of church subventions in 1998, and also as a result of the new Church Act coming into effect on 1 January 2012. At the Jewish Community Round Table on 22 September 2011, Dr. András Levente Gál suggested negotiations on changes should commence; MAZSIHISZ – acknowledging the altered circumstances – offered to resolve the issue of subvention, however no agreement was reached on the legal title and the method of payment. During today’s negotiations the parties agreed to respond to the matters raised in writing by 20 December, and they will convey this to the government representative.

(Press Office Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)