The birthday of poet Attila József (11 April) is dedicated to the celebration of poetry in Hungary. On this special occasion the Hungarian Cultural Centre is hosting a special Gala Reading Night as the culmination of its "Inspired by Hungarian Poetry" project. The evening will feature readings from the anthology by some of the contributing poets themselves.

The project "Inspired by Hungarian Poetry: British poets in conversation with Attila József" launched by the institute in January 2013, invited British poets to respond to a selection of Attila József's poems, which were beautifully translated into English by George Szirtes, Edwin Morgan, John Bátki and Peter Zollman.

Many British poets have sent poems in response to the invitation, amongst others Derek Adams, Polly Clark, Antony Dunn, Jacqueline Gabbitas, George Gömöri, Wayne Holloway-Smith, Ágnes Lehóczky, Tim Liardet, John McAuliffe, John Mole, Clare Pollard, Sam Riviere, Carol Rumens, Fiona Sampson, George Szirtes and Tom Warner. The Hungarian Cultural Centre will bring the poems together in an online anthology as the product of the poetic "conversation" between the British poets and Attila József, which will be launched on 11 April 2013.

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(Ministry of Public Administration and Justice)